

Moving day, April 7, 2016. San Francisco International Airport. Four suitcases.

Moving day, March 31, 2017, Beijing. Twenty-five boxes, three gynormous IKEA shopping bags, three rugs, ironing board, drying rack and the four suitcases. I’m not what you would call, a light traveler.

My actual travel day is April 4. Destination: Xi’an.

2 thoughts on “Before…After…

  1.! Brian, I just can’t believe it that you even brought 3 rugs to China! or they are what you bought in China? ’cause I thought the one in the living room is from the hotel.

  2. Good luck with the move, Brian. And with finding a new place to live. I look forward to photos of your “new” city and new apartment. Is the old 415 number conveying?

    Take care of yourself. Moving is a real hassle, I think!

    Love, Jessica

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