Next Thursday I’m off to Cambodia. What’s most noteworthy about that is the fact that I’m actually going to go through with it. Almost all of my booked vacations were cancelled at the last minute because I wasn’t sure I wanted to go or something derailed my plans. That includes: Harbin (twice), Shanghai, Sanya Island, a “staycation” in five-star hotels in Xi’an and most recently, Vietnam. I sure don’t get around for someone who likes to get around. This time, however, it appears as though I’m actually going to “pull the trigger.”
This post isn’t particularly newsworthy, just a brief missive with some interesting photos. I’ll even refrain from my usual rants about Trump…
…I’m just kidding! That feckless blowhard continues to sink further and further into puerile depravity hitched to a fascistic mentality that is measured in low double-digits. His administration will soon make the world wistful about the steady reliability, openness and rock-solid, good governance of the Third Reich. Although, I’m pretty sure we’ll put on a much greater military parade. Like all parades of this nature, it won’t be about “Dear Leader” paying tribute to his military, it will be about the military paying tribute to “Dear Leader.”
Where was I? Oh, yes. The two English First teaching centers held the annual Xi’an office party a few nights ago and I thought that people back home would be interested in some of the photos. The soirée was held at the five-star Shangri-La hotel which is the Chinese equivalent of the Ritz-Carlton. You know, when it comes to teachers, spare no expense.
The party felt more like a combination prom,wedding, amateur talent show, beauty contest and raffle. Now who can turn that down? It also marked the first time I’ve imbibed since I went on the wagon for my New Year’s resolution. I probably wouldn’t have but as part of the talent show portion of the evening, we teachers held a goofy beer drinking challenge. My part was the “flip-cup” challenge. So as long as I was compelled to drink, I decided to keep drinking. Just another occupational hazard. For the record, I walked out on my own and was completely steady, at that.
Next up: Phnom Penh.